I sat there closed up as tightly as anyone could possibly be. My thoughts were “Ok God I swear if she says ONE word to me I’m going to punch her! I mean really, I am! God please keep her mouth shut!”. For 4 hours my inward turmoil was high, raw and at any moment ready to be released. I knew that if this person said anything to me, I would snap and hurt her. The only thing that got me through that day was singing praise and worship songs in my head and asking God to help me. I remember it was the worst day I had ever had in school, yet oddly one of the most profound because of how I was solely dependent upon God for His comfort. It was the first time I had run to Him for help to get through a really tough situation. The first time I hid myself in Him because frankly I had no other place to run. I was 16 and the “new girl” in school and in cosmetology and no one liked me. One girl however made it her mission to make me miserable and that she did. So much so that I quit the program early.
I realize that was the first defining moment that I can remember of me setting my eyes and sights on Him for Him to rescue me. I was hurt, I was ready to pounce, but somehow singing worship songs to my God kept me together. It eased my pained, protected me, and showed me His amazing grace. The girl never said a word to me that day, probably the only day she hadn’t. I truly believe God made that happen as He was also comforting me through my inner turmoil.
Can you remember the first time God comforted you? Have you crawled into HIs presence to escape the turmoil of life? He is a safe place…He does rescue your mind when you focus on HIm. Turmoil and worship cannot abide together. So if your mind is in turmoil and your life torn part, set your mind on HIm. Worship. Your focus will change and a peace that surpasses all understanding will come, I promise. Your problems will not all go away but your mind and emotions will be set at ease with His grace.