832-597-1194 DS@dorothystrouhal.com

Literal love…Day 13 from Elise’s blog at The Giving Place. I came to remember when the meaning of literal love hit me like a 2×4 across the face. I was helping teach a fusion group and we were learning about intercessory prayer. One of my friends had worked a long day and was exhausted but chose to tough it out and come to the study. During this time we were discussing scriptures that have contingencies to them. I gave some examples of what those were, then my friend asked…”where are those found?” My response was, “Um in the Bible.”  She said “Where?” I spat out. “I don’t know. Read the Bible! You read it right?”

Rude to say the least. I was irritated because we had just went over all that and in her exhausted state she didn’t catch it. Wrong? Absolutely! As soon as it flowed out of my mouth I knew I had messed up. I tried to backtrack but it didn’t work. I went home that evening and had to really process this event through. I Knew I had to apologize to my friend as well as the group I had humiliated her in front of, but I wasn’t sure how? I mean I’m sorry didn’t seem like enough? As I lay there I heard the Holy Spirit whisper…love. I was like huh?love1 Apologize with Love….I didn’t know what meant or looked like so I began to search the scriptures. Now remember we are studying intercessory prayer, gifts, and all that good jazz. I immediately found this scriptures. Col. 13:2 And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

<img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-454" src="https://dorothystrouhal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/poster_love_is_patient_flowers-242×300 viagra en vente libre en pharmacie.gif” alt=”poster_love_is_patient_flowers” width=”242″ height=”300″ srcset=”https://dorothystrouhal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/poster_love_is_patient_flowers-242×300.gif 242w, https://dorothystrouhal.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/poster_love_is_patient_flowers-300×371.gif 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 242px) 100vw, 242px” />This was the revelation moment for me that caused literal love to begin being walked out daily. I then began to constantly check every action, every word,every motive with 1Cor. 13:4-6. I even considered tattooing it into myself to help me remember to do those things. A little crazy I know but I knew I needed that verse instilled into my daily life, in all I do. I needed LITERAL LOVE working in me and through me. 

So when did you realize that literal love existed and you needed to implement it? Or have you? Literal Love for me in intentional love actions not merely a feeling. This is a hard discipline to apply but so worth it. If you can’t love others can you truly say you are living a Christian life? Just a thought. So thank you Elise for reminding me that Literal love is so vital and life changing in my walk with Christ and my testimony to others.