Get to know me...
Love, Life, and Biz BeautyCome on in and get to know me a little bit!
I am an open book, no-frills-but-way-glam, straight-forward kind of girl!
I try not to beat around the bush too much.
It just confuses me!

Since 2004
I have had a lifelong creative passion for hair and makeup for as long as I can remember. Yes, I was the girl in high school who dumped all her personal makeup out and used it on EVERYONE in drama class. If you were darker than me, no problem! A little eyeshadow will fix that right up. This God-given passion fueled me to open my own studio, Your Makeup Expert, in 2004. However, before my career as a professional makeup artist, I was a wife and stay-at-home mother of three.
A little over a year after entering “the industry”, Your Makeup Expert quickly grew into a go-to for celebrities and elite brides in Houston, Texas. I have had the privilege to work with national celebrities like Brene’ Brown, Dr. Oz, Conan O’Brien, and countless others (a full list is available upon request). I have also been privlidged to work with the NFL and MLB announcers, Fortune 500 companies, and have created a luxury makeup line.
I am now expanding my creative experiences to include brand and media consulting for businesses, personal platforms, and non-profits.
What does that mean? Simple put, I help you strategically and effectively show your audience you heart, mission, and focus through what they see on your website, social media, videos and branding content.
I love to create, teach, and empower others to do what they are called to do. Let’s connect, create, and share more beauty in our lives and in this world.
Dorothy Strouhal
Owner and Founder
Meet My Family
I have been married to the same awesome man for over 28 years!
I wish I could say it has always been a fairytale, but there were days it was a nightmare. We have grown up together, endured life together, and fought for the wonderful relationship we now have.
Marriage isn’t easy. It takes work, compromise, and change from both parties, but it is definitely worth it! If anyone ever tells you that you can’t overcome your marital challenges (including verbal abuse, emotional manipulation, infidelity, and more), we are living proof you can.
I made the choice early on ( at 18, to be precise and abortion was an option but a miracle stepped in … that’s in a post you can read ☺️) that I was going to be a mom and wife first. Once I chose to be a mom, I felt the conviction to give my children as much of myself as I could in their early lives. I wanted to help mold them in these critical years, and I must say, I believe I made the right decision because they have all turned out pretty well.
I am now in the process of loving three adult children through life’s ups and downs. I am so proud of the young adults they have become and the wise life choices they are making. Don’t tell them, but I’m kind of looking forward to the grandma years!
“Marriage and Love is the conscious choice everyday of doing what is best for your mate as well as yourself” – Jimmie Strouhal

What now? Let’s Dream Together
As I enter the next stage of my life, I am fully committed to following God’s lead, wherever it may take me. He gave me big dreams in the makeup industry years ago, and helped me make those dreams a reality.
Now I am writing, speaking, podcasting and empowering women in life and business to dream big dreams, and educating them on how to make those dreams become a reality.
If you have an in person or online event you would like to have me speak at I would love to hear from you!
Let me encourage you in how to love those around you well, live life to the fullest, build a powerful business and bring out the beauty all around you.
Work with Me
Areas I’m Passionate About
Chat With Your Makeup Expert
Let’s talk about all things business and image! From your personal brand to your business or ministry, I love helping people discover and develop their own personal style and brand. And don’t forget I still love to share my knowledge on hair, skincare, makeup, and style with women everywhere.
As the business owner of Your Makeup Expert, I know how important it is for your business to have a strong clear visual brand. It is a joy for me to be able to consult with business professionals in developing and refining your visul brand so that your clients clearly understand who you are and how you are willing to serve them.
Beauty Will Rise
When I came back from filming “Worst Cooks in America”, I was hit with the reality of a very dark subject: human trafficking. God instilled in me at that time a drive and passion for change that helped fuel the start of Beauty Will Rise a non-profit organization fighting against human trafficking in Houston. As founder and president, I am committed to doing all I can and to financially support, educate, combat, and shine a light on this epidemic. Youth prevention is key to wiping it out, and our focus for change! Learn more and join me in the fight against human trafficking.
Life Happens!
I made a weird, yet divinely appointed, television debut on the Food Network hit show, Worst Cooks in America (season 3). Mind you, I didn’t even know the Food Network existed, so you can imagine my surprise when it turned out to be a national show and not some 3rd-rate cable show! I could see that God had clearly opened this door of adventure for me. So I went and I learned a LOT… about cooking and about the basics in life! Now, I share about both with anyone who is interested in how life happens … Worst Cooks and vanilla fried chicken stlye!