832-597-1194 DS@dorothystrouhal.com
Caught in the crossfire of ministry

Caught in the crossfire of ministry

This my friends is what a self-inflicted (I voluntary allowed it, I didn’t actually do it to myself) wound looks like that SHOULD (in theory) remove a scar from trauma I received in ministry almost a year ago. I know what you’re thinking … in...
The truth piece to Peace

The truth piece to Peace

I woke up this morning with this phrase ringing in my head, “If it costs you your peace, it’s too expensive” Ya’ll I’ve SAID THIS! I’ve liked the post, shared it to my stories, … I’ve cheered this phrase on! But is it Biblical? I mean it sounds good, but is grounded in Truth? A lot of times we exchange the definition of peace for comfort.

Peace isn’t something you strive or work for, it’s given and grown.

Nourishment of Fresh Friendships

Nourishment of Fresh Friendships

I have heard countless sermons on bread and the spiritual representation of it. SOOO many! And they were all good! So just letting you know, this is not that. This photo represent the gift of new connections and friendships that we all need. I know what you’re...
My friend or foe? Religion

My friend or foe? Religion

You know some say that religion is tough task master, a hard teacher, or an unfulfilling agenda maker. To those people I say, I can see why you would run far far away from it! lol But that has not been my experience. Religion has been friendly and fun to me! Ok, I...
Perfection vs. Process

Perfection vs. Process

Subscribe I made a post on IG about this awesome little Adrien Arpel dress. It was a cute dress and I thought, “Let’s do a little marketing!” Boy, did I get a response! A great one! From so many people. People loving the dress, loving how I looked in it. So much love....
Remnants of Beauty – Roots – PT. 2

Remnants of Beauty – Roots – PT. 2

After a few weeks of In my last blog post I talked about the damage a storm can do, and how we can walk away with valuable remnants. These remnants have been soaking in water, resting, recovering, and growing. Growing new roots isn’t always fun. It requires...